truth seeking

Cutting Open the Collective Unconscious

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The collective unconscious has been infected with patriarchy. Thousands of years of unconscious material needs to be revealed. Now all the toxic puss of that infection is getting squeezed to the surface and we must look at the perversion we have collectively created. All of the untruths are being exposed. The falsehoods stripped away. Everything we have suppressed, lied about, ignored is being felt.  This isn’t just a global phenomenon. This is happening on a very personal level for us, which makes it ever-more powerful, and difficult.

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How did we get here? With these people in power? How did these psychotic clouds of lies contaminate us? So contaminated that we are made to believe we are clean. 

Darkness/shadow is what I call the parts that have been denied light by means of neglect. What will we do with our freewill to face our shadows? Will we transcend the limiting boundaries of culture and ego? Or will we continue to let life happen to us, as if we are only here to participate in the decay?

The soul is an instrument of truth. We are designed to know balance, and to be guided toward health. Yet, the collective has undergone an accumulation of choices that have thrown off the laws of nature, and we have been directed against each other. We have been convinced that someone else is the source of our pain, rather than taking ownership of who we are, and being willing to look at our darkness. We have learned to hord, rather than gather what we need. We have learned to protect and measure, rather than trust. 

“I can’t breathe.” The infectious lies are cuttings us off from laws of nature. The life-giving force of prana, breath, internal life, the Law of One. 

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We have been living in the yang world of extroverted conquering, dominance, and suppression. What about the yin? The dark half of the dynamic duo? The part we have denied, the unseen, the inner life that leads to profound expansion? These energies need each other. We live in a polarized world, yet we are interdependent. We exist within each other. 

The social isolation has forced us to look inward and feel the unconscious parts of ourselves that we could push aside before routine was interrupted. We are awakening to the evolutionary need. We will solve our problems by co-creating. By listening. When we realize that we live in a very generous universe. When we celebrate someone else’s abundance, joy, love, rights, accomplishments because we realize they are extensions of our own.

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So we must do our inner work and get clear about who we are.  We must tap into our root energy of belonging and support. We must understand the transformative truths of what we have suppressed. We must be humble. We must be gentle with ourselves to handle the profound shifts of our home planet. 

Creative Power in Times of Uncertainty

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There is a lot going on in the personal level, and in the collective: 

Energy vampirism, deception, manipulation, half-truths, distractions, fear, hope. We struggle with what to believe, even if it is something we have put much of our faith in before.


This is so Gemini. Back and forth. This or that. Polarity. Perhaps we are at the height of this human illusion of separation. We say we are in this together, AND we are becoming more and more separated. Yet, the lines are blurring between personal and social identities. Perhaps it is not either or, but in fact it all exists. Perhaps we can accept that we do not need, and cannot have clarity right now. So then what?

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Now is a time to hold your truth more than ever. There is so much out there that tries to convince us what to believe. 

What makes you feel powerful and the core of your being?

Staying creative and centered in your personal power is a sweet medicine for times of uncertainty. 

When you are creating, you enter the intuitive flow that the intellect cannot control. Your energy begins to flow again, and congestion melts. 

When you are in your center, you feel that you are co-creating your life with spirit, rather than having life happen to you. You sense your power to choose.

So, what do you do every day that is creative?

Gemini air loves to play, even if you aren’t “good” at what you are doing. 

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  • Put on some music and dance! 

  • Bring out your old watercolors you’ve kept in storage all those years (I did this recently!)

  • Doodle!

  • Talk to the birds and the flowers. They are listening!

  • Make a vision board.

  • Soak up all the sensations of spring air, colors, sounds.

  • I have been collecting fallen blooms and arranging them in bowls.

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An exercise for truth:

Imagine blue light filling up your entire body. Blue is the color associated with the throat chakra, and how we express our truth. Let yourself fill up with this comforting vibration. Notice all the blues you come across in your days. Paint with blue. Hold a lapis lazuli and invite it to work with you. 

True desires will manifest, even if you are a mess. Your soul still knows what you want. There is a very big picture going on, and your light ripples into the matrix just as much as anything else.