
Cutting Open the Collective Unconscious

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The collective unconscious has been infected with patriarchy. Thousands of years of unconscious material needs to be revealed. Now all the toxic puss of that infection is getting squeezed to the surface and we must look at the perversion we have collectively created. All of the untruths are being exposed. The falsehoods stripped away. Everything we have suppressed, lied about, ignored is being felt.  This isn’t just a global phenomenon. This is happening on a very personal level for us, which makes it ever-more powerful, and difficult.

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How did we get here? With these people in power? How did these psychotic clouds of lies contaminate us? So contaminated that we are made to believe we are clean. 

Darkness/shadow is what I call the parts that have been denied light by means of neglect. What will we do with our freewill to face our shadows? Will we transcend the limiting boundaries of culture and ego? Or will we continue to let life happen to us, as if we are only here to participate in the decay?

The soul is an instrument of truth. We are designed to know balance, and to be guided toward health. Yet, the collective has undergone an accumulation of choices that have thrown off the laws of nature, and we have been directed against each other. We have been convinced that someone else is the source of our pain, rather than taking ownership of who we are, and being willing to look at our darkness. We have learned to hord, rather than gather what we need. We have learned to protect and measure, rather than trust. 

“I can’t breathe.” The infectious lies are cuttings us off from laws of nature. The life-giving force of prana, breath, internal life, the Law of One. 

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We have been living in the yang world of extroverted conquering, dominance, and suppression. What about the yin? The dark half of the dynamic duo? The part we have denied, the unseen, the inner life that leads to profound expansion? These energies need each other. We live in a polarized world, yet we are interdependent. We exist within each other. 

The social isolation has forced us to look inward and feel the unconscious parts of ourselves that we could push aside before routine was interrupted. We are awakening to the evolutionary need. We will solve our problems by co-creating. By listening. When we realize that we live in a very generous universe. When we celebrate someone else’s abundance, joy, love, rights, accomplishments because we realize they are extensions of our own.

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So we must do our inner work and get clear about who we are.  We must tap into our root energy of belonging and support. We must understand the transformative truths of what we have suppressed. We must be humble. We must be gentle with ourselves to handle the profound shifts of our home planet. 

Self-care is the True Healthcare

Healing with Nature | Earth Healing | Self-care is Healthcare

Let’s face it: We have been taught not to love ourselves. We have been taught to produce for the economic machine and to give to others, rather than to receive and reflect. We push off the important, for what appears to be the urgent. When our intuition tells us to tend to our hearts, we feel shame and guilt for putting ourselves first. No wonder self-care is not a priority, for we have lost sight of our eternal, divine being-ness. We let others choose for us.

Nature Healing | Embodiment | Earth Energy

This life-force, infinite creator, higher Self, or whatever you call it, is essentially LOVE.

Love is medicine.

Love is what expands existence and potential. The more we expand, the more we realize that we have so many options, and that we are not meant to live within the confines to shame and unworthiness. Within this new space, our energy has the opportunity to find balance. Balance is health. No institution can tell us how to find our own unique balance. 

Self-care | Embodied Healing | Self-love

During this time of global pandemic, self-care is a partially interesting topic. Some are faced with the increased stress of working the front lines, while others are at home with more time on their hands than desired. In all cases, we must ask: how do I maintain my wellbeing? Have I lost sight of my own life? My hope is that we are realizing that our health is our greatest wealth.

Planet Earth is the ultimate example of self-care. She knows how to heal herself. She keeps doing so, even as humans work against her. She calls upon her resources without hesitation, and keeps astonishing us with her resilience. As earthlings, we can be like her because we are part of her. 

Self-love | Self-care | Healing Energy

So, I encourage you to take back the reigns on social programming, fate, and genetics. What can you do to make yourself feel more balanced? For five minutes? For a few hours? For the long haul? It doesn’t have to be monumental or glamorous, but a tool, and eventually a habit, that brings you back to yourself.  

It is amazing what just 5, 10, or 20 minutes can do.  It doesn’t have to be serious, it can be silly. It can be mundane. It can be radical. Learn to love and enjoy yourself, even in the smallest ways. 

Let yourself be surprised!