personal power

Creative Power in Times of Uncertainty

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There is a lot going on in the personal level, and in the collective: 

Energy vampirism, deception, manipulation, half-truths, distractions, fear, hope. We struggle with what to believe, even if it is something we have put much of our faith in before.


This is so Gemini. Back and forth. This or that. Polarity. Perhaps we are at the height of this human illusion of separation. We say we are in this together, AND we are becoming more and more separated. Yet, the lines are blurring between personal and social identities. Perhaps it is not either or, but in fact it all exists. Perhaps we can accept that we do not need, and cannot have clarity right now. So then what?

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Now is a time to hold your truth more than ever. There is so much out there that tries to convince us what to believe. 

What makes you feel powerful and the core of your being?

Staying creative and centered in your personal power is a sweet medicine for times of uncertainty. 

When you are creating, you enter the intuitive flow that the intellect cannot control. Your energy begins to flow again, and congestion melts. 

When you are in your center, you feel that you are co-creating your life with spirit, rather than having life happen to you. You sense your power to choose.

So, what do you do every day that is creative?

Gemini air loves to play, even if you aren’t “good” at what you are doing. 

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  • Put on some music and dance! 

  • Bring out your old watercolors you’ve kept in storage all those years (I did this recently!)

  • Doodle!

  • Talk to the birds and the flowers. They are listening!

  • Make a vision board.

  • Soak up all the sensations of spring air, colors, sounds.

  • I have been collecting fallen blooms and arranging them in bowls.

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An exercise for truth:

Imagine blue light filling up your entire body. Blue is the color associated with the throat chakra, and how we express our truth. Let yourself fill up with this comforting vibration. Notice all the blues you come across in your days. Paint with blue. Hold a lapis lazuli and invite it to work with you. 

True desires will manifest, even if you are a mess. Your soul still knows what you want. There is a very big picture going on, and your light ripples into the matrix just as much as anything else. 

The Spiritual Crisis of Separation

Healing in Unity | Spiritual Crisis | Spiritual Healing

The crisis that you will not hear on the news is that people are feeling worthless because they are not producing. The global pandemic has people out of work and many out of income. Through the ages we have become a society that tricks us into believing that we are valuable if we can produce “stuff” and consume “stuff.” We must participate in the economy to be a respectable human. Is that why we are here? To produce and consume?

Spiritual Crisis | Spiritual Healing | Healing in Unity

We have separated about as far as we can from our humanity. We have forgotten that “worthiness” shouldn’t even be something to consider, because we just are. We have been convinced to put aside our greater calling and our joy to feed someone else’s bottomless appetite for power. The shame of not fitting in this box keeps us even further from our personal power. So how do we disentangle this mess, especially when our mental patterns work to serve others’ narcissism?

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We start small. We recognize our power to choose and choose again in our daily lives. Now I choose joy. Now I choose peace. Now I appreciate the glories of spring. Now I choose to do five minutes of yoga. Now I choose to smile at someone beneath my face mask and hope they see it in my eyes. This light of yours will likely dim and brighten, but with commitment it will grow and grow. Others will feel it. Then they will begin to feel their own. Your light will be the healing virus.

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We have reached the peak of individuality and separation. We as crested waves must crash back into the ocean to togetherness. Millenia of separating from togetherness, to tribes, to clans, to families, to selves, we must integrate our unique discoveries to serve each other. This is where we have the choice to learn our lesson to help our people and help our planet. Otherwise we try to go back to business as normal, where we continue to neglect our live-giving resources and face more and more viruses. How will we use our freewill? How you use your light is where you power resides.