
Questions of Embodiment

Healing in Nature | Embodied Healing | Feminine Nature

Wow are we swirling around in our heads these days. Feeling with the unknown has an effect on how we see ourselves, as individuals, humans, and society. We are grieving the old ways of self and security, and having to tap into different resources to keep us feeling safe and centered. 

We cannot escape the world, but we can let go of our grip on the outer world to find steadiness in our own power. 

This does not have to be monumental, but it is a process of bringing you back to yourself.

“There is no real security except for whatever you build inside yourself.” -Gilda Radner

Nature Healing | Self-care | Self-love

So rather than being stuck in our meaning-making heads, how do we connect with the entirety of ourselves and allow for the unknown to exist? Our intellect can only makes since of things based on our past experiences, but it knows nothing of the future, or of your heart, unless you are bringing your soul into the conversation. 

Movement Healing | Embodiment | Self-care

Body. Embodiment. Feel. 

So rather than me giving suggestions, I want to ask:

  • What does it feel like to be embodied?

  • What does it feel like to be grounded?

  • How do you find groundedness?

  • Do you want to be grounded?

  • How can does groundedness lead to expansion?

  • What does it feel like to dissociate?

  • When does this happen?

  • Are you trying to escape something?

    (Recognizing your dissociation is a critical step in becoming embodied. noticing your sensations is a path to indisputable truths of who you are.) 

  • How can you be embodied even if you are not grounded?

Self-care | Self-love | Embodied Nature
  • How can you listen to your body without guilt or shame?

  • What feels good in your body and how do you experience pleasure?

  • How and where does pain arise?

  • What signals does your body give you and how do you listen to them?

These are constant conversations and I have as I navigate my own energy and how I meet the outer world. Please reach out to continue this conversation with me!

Don’t feel like practicing today?

I don’t blame you. There is a strong inertia effect going on…we are stuck in our house more, wondering when this will end, and trying to digest all the noise of the outer world.

Movement Guidance | Home Yoga Practice

This can make it hard to get going due to a strange combination of lethargy and anxiety. The inner monologue is extra chatty. How do we spend our energy so that we feel balanced and focused on our own lives? 

My greatest suggestion is:

Just start moving. Get your energy flowing….chances are you will like to continue!

Embodied Living | Movement Practice

In the yoga realm, what I tend to do is begin moving in gentle ways. I may be on all-fours, on my back, or my belly. I notice my breath but I am not focused so much on synching it with my movement. I make strange noises. I sigh a lot. When I feel the urge to pause or rest, I do. I let my energy settle. I stay there until I get the impulse to move again. After a while I may even introduce some muscular strength as feel more awakened. 

Yoga Practice | Movement Guidance

This turns into a juicy embodied flow that not only get my energy unstuck, but it delightfully gets me out of my head. Even if for just a few minutes, I am simply enjoying my body in motion. Most of the time the shapes I make don’t even resemble traditional yoga postures. I’m not working on alignment. I playing with presence. You can’t think about what is coming next when you are here. Let your felt sense lead you. 

Movement Practice | Home Yoga

Perhaps it will turn into a full-blown practice, or perhaps it will serve as a mini break from the weight of life.  Wherever it takes you, I hope it helps clear your slate and return to “real life” feeling more centered and bright.